
  TOOLS >   2 – Funding


This tool helps you obtain funding to support long-term source protection.

Continuous funding is critical to meeting source water protection goals. Your source protection plan should identify ways to secure funding for each proposed activity. You must first obtain buy-in from leadership in your organization, because many funding bodies require political sign-off or support. Collaborating through multipurpose projects can provide access to otherwise unavailable grants, charities, lotteries, donations, and corporate partnerships.

Sustained funding allows programs to build over years, and it allows for long-term planning of projects, knowing that funding is going to be in place. However, benefits from the funding must be continually communicated to keep political will, or funds can be diverted. Building a business case for source protection (TOOL 4) is essential.

FUNDING > How to use this tool

Use a combination of the following options to secure funding for source water protection:

  • Create a source protection fund
  • Collaborate to access funds from grants, donations, and charitable lotteries
  • Develop corporate partnerships
  • Earn conservation compensation credits
  • Earmark development permit fees
  • Earn activity-specific revenue
  • Obtain grant funding


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